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20xx英国留学十分正式的申请书 篇1

  Applied Program: Statistics

  When I was doing internship at the renowned _ Cosmetics Co. Ltd, I was deeplyimpressed by the motto from _, the founder of the company-"Believe in Miracleand Miracle will Indeed Happen." At one point during my undergraduate educationI was very frustrated because I found that, due to the lack of effectivemethodology of numerical analysis, the teaching and the research of economics inChina lags far behind the international standard as represented by the developedcountries of the West. As a result, even though I am one of the top studentsfrom the _ University of Finance and Economics, I find it difficult for me toreally enter the true realm of economics study. Instead of dealing a heavy blowon me, this discovery motivated me to maximize my efforts in the study ofmathematics and to apply for an advanced degree program in statistics at yourwell-respected university after having completed my undergraduate program. It ismy conviction that, as long as I have sufficient confidence myself and makesufficient efforts, I am bound to accomplish some form of achievements in thefield of statistics and make due contributions to the development ofquantitative research in economics in the Chinese academia. Miracle will indeedhappen.

  I specialized in accounting at the Accounting College of _ University ofFinance and Economics. An undergraduate education in the specialty of accountingcovers knowledge in a wide range of fields-economics, management science,mathematics, statistics, and even sociology. While providing me with a solidacademic foundation, this education has enabled me to ferret out the areas thatcan really capture my interest. I have cherished a strong interest inmathematics since the primary school and developed my talents all the waythrough my middle and high school. But it is only through my undergraduate studythat I have come to realize the vital importance of mathematical approaches tothe study of economics. This very realization has further reinforced mydetermination to choose the career of an applied statistician in the future.Toward such an objective, I have devoted special efforts to the study ofmathematics and statistics. Apart from intensive work in such compulsory coursesas Calculus, Linear Algebra, Theory of Probability, Statistics, and MathematicalStatistics, I have also attended a series of important optional coursesincluding Operational Research, Game Theory of Economics, Sampling Investigationand made full use of my spare time to learn the knowledge of statistics as muchas possible.

  My undergraduate education should be described as very rewarding andfruitful. For the past three consecutive years, I have maintained top ranking inmy class and for two consecutive years I was given the "Outstanding Student"Award, winning Level-A scholarships. I have demonstrated special aptitudes inmathematics and in English. My natural talents in mathematics and my dedicatedefforts to mathematics coursework have led my GPA in all the mathematics coursesto reach 3.9, far exceeding the level of average students. In terms of Englishlanguage, I have also been well above average. In the first semester in 1999 Iwon the first prize at the "Freshmen Cup" English Listen Comprehension Contestand in 20__ I won the first prize in the English Contest for College Students inChina, the third prize at the Oral English Contest in _ Province. Even though Ihave assumed various responsibilities for extracurricular activities of severalstudent organizations, I have still managed to perform well academically, a factthat should be attributed to my extra diligence, productive study methods, andeffective allocation of my time and energy. From the very outset of myundergraduate career, I made up my mind to fully exploit all the availableresources of my university to achieve comprehensive self-development and what Ihave achieved adequately testifies to the rewarding undergraduate life I havebeen living.

  As a science that tries to discover inherent quantitative relationships amongdifferent data and make rational statistical inferences by applying relevanttheories and methodologies, statistics has been widely applied in the modernsociety, its impact penetrating into almost all fields of physical and socialsciences. With China's reform toward the market economy and its accession intothe WTO, statistics is becoming increasingly important in China's economic life.The fact that the subject I am interested in will enjoy a broad prospect ofapplication in China makes me very excited and confident concerning my futurestudy and career. In my proposed program, I will first try to consolidate myfoundation in statistics and then narrow down my interests to focus on TimeSeries Analysis and Statistic Inference.

  I believe that to make rational inferences is one of the major functions ofstatistics. In many cases, pure statistical models or time series models canmake more precise inferences and predictions than theoretical models ofeconomics. The dilemma faced by modern economics in making predictions is one ofthe important reasons for me to choose statistics over economics as the area ofmy concentration. As an important aspect of statistical study and research, Iwill try to master one or two advanced statistical software such as Gauss andTSP. In addition, if possible, I wish to be a member of the research group of myfuture advisor under whose direction I can work on a full-length researchproject. It is equally desirable for me to do extensive internship at a specificgovernment organization or a local enterprise so that I can apply my knowledgeof statistics and test its efficacy.

  Apart from the sound undergraduate education that I have received, togetherwith my special achievements in mathematics and English, my creativity,perseverance, and my good logical thinking are three major factors of myimplicit confidence in my future performance, just as they have contributed tomy distinguished performance in the past over most of my peers. Meanwhile, I amalso very proud of my past extracurricular performance, which has considerablyimproved my practical abilities beyond the mere coursework, like teamwork,organization and interpersonal communication. I served as student leader in theStudents Union, editor of the university student newspaper, member of AccountingStudy Group and Youth Volunteer Association. In 20__, I worked part-time asbeauty consultant at the renowned American _ Cosmetics Company. An importantexperience directly related to my specialty is the internship I did in 20__ atthe Statistical Bureau of _ City during which I worked on a city-wide populationsampling investigation, collecting and analyzing data and accumulating muchpractical statistical experience.

  I prioritize on _ University as the school for my Master's program instatistics because a careful study of your esteemed university shows me that itis a world famous university with a long academic tradition. In terms of theteaching and research of statistics, it plays a leading role not only inAmerican but also in international academia. Naturally it becomes my idealchoice. As a student of accounting I have built up a sufficient foundation instatistics and mathematics requisite for a graduate program in statistics.Therefore, I sincerely wish that my application could be seriouslyconsidered.

20xx英国留学十分正式的申请书 篇2

  Dear_ University Teachers:


  My name is Yu, Female, 17 years old, is a student of science class 1 in themiddle school affiliated to Northwest University.

  I am a lively person, I always like to get together with my classmates totalk about the big and small things around me, and also discuss some verycomplicated problems, but more is to imagine the future together, whenever thistime we will laugh very happy. In fact, I am a girl who likes to smile, becauseI firmly believe that smile can bring happiness to my friends, and I alsoharvest happiness at the same time. So I love to laugh, even in the face ofsetbacks also choose to use this attitude to meet, in order to give themselvesmore confidence. That is because I love to laugh, my classmates sometimes saythat I am like a fool, but I never mind, because I hope my friends arehappy.

  In my study, I have a correct attitude. I once served as a member of thelearning committee and a representative of Chinese class, and have won manyhonors. In my life, because of my smile, I became more united with myclassmates. Therefore, I always served as the monitor in primary school. After Iwas promoted to senior grade, I began to serve as the brigade Committee andleader. For many years, I won the honors of "three good students" and "excellentclass cadres". These honors are unforgettable in my life

  They are teachers and schools' affirmation of my study and work, and theyhave always inspired me to move forward. But I have never been so proud, butwith a grateful heart, thank my teachers always care about me, love me; Thankthe teacher for the honor, let me see the value of their efforts; Thank you forteaching me how to be an upright person.

  My favorite sport is swimming, I think in the water can make my mind moreclear, so whether it is hot summer or cold winter, as long as I have theopportunity to soak in the water. I also like to listen to music and have a widerange of interests, from popular music to symphonies. The reason why I likelistening to music is probably because I think it can calm my heart.

  I always use it to relieve my stress when I fail in the exam or have trouble.I also like to write essays and graffiti, to write and draw my happiness orunhappiness, and sometimes write an article filled with indignation to commenton the current news and some social phenomena.

  I think I'm a playful person, but I'm still serious about my study. I feelthat I am a more self-control person, know when to learn, also know thatlearning can not be distracted, and can abide by it. But I don't think I'm whatpeople usually call a "nerd" -- I just concentrate on my study and don't payattention to communicating with others.

  So I have a lot of friends, we study together, also agreed to work towardsthe goal. At the same time, my outgoing personality naturally makes me have astrong curiosity and desire to explore the outside world, which also makes myvision more open. The bigger I grow and the more I know, the stronger my desireto explore is. It drives me to "attack" the unknown world. At the same time, Ialso gain the happiness of learning.

  Every day I go to school, I have to go through the west power. There are manytrees in the campus. I can often smell the fragrance of green trees and grass.The simple teaching building beside makes the campus more elegant. As time goesby, I have a strong interest in the university which stands in the middle of thetrouble but can keep its original flavor. Later, I began to look at the_University information.

  I know that if I set a goal, I have to work hard for it, otherwise everythingwill be in vain, but sometimes I will be full of imagination about universitylife: I imagine the happiness of living with my classmates in University;Imagine the learning atmosphere when discussing problems with professors;Imagine the rich and colorful social practice activities... And now, for my goaland all the beautiful things I fantasize about, I have to study harder.

  But among many excellent students, I often feel powerless, even inferior,which is one of my major shortcomings. But in the process of growing up, I havebeen trying to overcome it, and I also realize that only down-to-earth, hardwork is the way to success.

  I'm walking on this road now. Although it's hard, I'm willing to enjoy it. Ibelieve that since I am destined to be with you every day_ If I pass by, I willstep into the gate that I have been longing for for a long time in the nearfuture with a grateful heart.

20xx英国留学十分正式的申请书 篇3

  Program: International Marketing

  As a 23-year-old aspiring student who has grown up and received his educationin pace with the evolution of China's market economy over the past two decades,I deem myself in possession of many professional qualities for undertaking acareer in advanced marketing and business management. I believe that I havedemonstrated more creativity, management skills, English language proficiency,and the courage to accept challenges than most of my peers on a number ofimportant occasions-being selected from a large number of competitors to studyat _ University of _ on an exchange program, winning prize in the _ forUniversity Students, launching my own company upon completing my undergraduateprogram. My interest and my demonstrated abilities show me unmistakably that totake up a lifelong career in high-level marketing management will be veryappropriate for me because that is where my potential lies. In order to scalenew heights academically and to lay a solid foundation for my later-day careerdevelopment, I would like to apply for a Master's program in internationalmarketing at the prestigious Business School in _ University. For me, this is aself-conscious attempt to face challenge and to transcend my former self. Iexpect to be initiated into a first-rate academic environment in which myacademic foundation is consolidated and my business potential isstrengthened.

  It was in _ Technology and Business School that I completed my undergraduateeducation, majoring in marketing. As an academic discipline, marketingfascinated me for its increasingly important strategic role in modern managementand for its interdisciplinary character, as it encompasses management science,psychology, sociology, statistics, etc. From the very outset of my undergraduateprogram, I realized the importance of seeking a comprehensive development, onboth academic and personal levels, in order to become a senior managementprofessional in the future. Therefore, throughout my undergraduate program, Iendeavored to make full exploitation of all the available educational resourcesof my university to improve my academic performance. An examination of myacademic transcript will indicate that I have maintained a year-by-yearascendance in my study. Apart from that, I have also been very active inextracurricular activities and learned German and _ languages besides English.My ability to perform independent research was cultivated and improved throughwriting my internship treatise and graduation thesis, both of which were given a95-point score, the highest score in my class. In particular, my thesis On theMarketing of Hi-Tech Products, by focusing on the major business risks involvedin the marketing of hi-tech products and on the short and uncertain life cycleof those products, was rated "Excellent" for detailed analyses and novelperspectives that I offered in it.

  The most important part of my undergraduate graduate program is definitely myshort but memorable stay in _. As a junior, I was selected through a competitivescreening test to embark on a 4-month exchange program with _'s _ Polytechnic onthe strengths of my distinguished academic performance, English proficiency andcomputer skills. This exciting and memorable experience proved extremelybeneficial to me-I gained marked improvement in my English, was exposed to atotally different life style and educational system, and achieved newunderstanding of the concept of marketing. Plunged into a new academicenvironment, I demonstrated a creative and a critical spirit rare in Chinesestudents, and won appreciation from my _ professors. In attending the courseHigh Tech Marketing, my team members and I spent the entire semester verifyingthe plausibility of a business proposal that I raised but was rejected by my _advisor. Under my insistence and through my continued refinement, my businessproposal achieved eventual success and has been incorporated into the overallbusiness plan of _ Company. In another course International Business Plan, myfruitful collaboration with my _ classmates led to our team's winning of theunprecedented full mark in the final evaluation of our course project. I alsoaccumulated important experience of performing group research in the eAcademyproject headed by Dr. _, in which I was responsible for the marketing planningof the enterprise.

  Upon completing my undergraduate program, with the support of my friends andfamily members, I launched my own _ Trade Company that deals in medicalequipment and provides hospital management consulting service. In doing this, Ibecame one of the few Chinese graduates who established their own business. Mybusiness impulse originated from two sources. The first is my participation inthe _ for University Students in which my team won Excellence Award (myresponsibility was to formulate marketing plans for our "Optimum" Company and toconduct market surveys)。 Another is my internship as a senior student at ane-commerce company during which I planned and organized market investigations inpreparation for the marketing of the company's latest product-HospitalManagement Information System. I saw myself as possessing necessary businessmanagement skills and marketing potential.

  Managing my own company, making real business plans and designing realmarketing strategies, all those have allowed me to apply my knowledge and to tapmy business potential. In making this bold move, I wish to develop a clearunderstanding of what I am good at and to chart the course of my future careerdevelopment. My present application for a Master's program at your esteemeduniversity is motivated by my need to receive further academic input that willenable me to develop my company into a major enterprise.

  According to modern management theories, successful enterprises must behighly customer-oriented and marketing is no longer the job of a particularfunctional department of an enterprise. As a developing country with a plannedeconomy for many decades, China lacks a well-developed science of management andmarketing, and the current marketing practices are far from mature as marketingas a standard academic discipline is only of recent origin. Yet this may prove ablessing in disguise for me as I am located at the crucial point of China'sdevelopment in marketing theory and practice and I will enjoy greater chances ofsuccess. In my proposed degree program, I would like to focus on the marketingof Hi-tech products and on the marketing of multinational companies undercultural pluralism. The relationship between marketing and cultural pluralismhas long been my major research concern and during my study in _ I have alreadypaid special attention to the impact of cultural differences between East andWest on marketing. In my future studies, I will be exposed a greater culturaldiversity, which I believe will further facilitate my study and research. It isan art to deal with the subtle relationship between culture and marketing and Ineed to gain more understanding and experience in this regard.

  Young as I am, I am fully aware of the transitory nature of life and all thatI can do is to race against time to maximize knowledge and expertise and toenrich the value of my life within the limited span of my life. Through myfuture study, I wish to develop myself into a marketing specialist. This is anobjective, and I am in possession of the necessary foundation, academic andprofessional, and the potential for realizing this objective.
