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`mistakes are part of life. you should be more worried if you didn't make them because that means you aren't growing or learning犯错是人生的一部分。你应该更加担心的是自己没有犯错误,因为那意味着你没有成长和进步。

`always believe in yourself. because if you don't, then who will? 一定要相信自己。如果你都不相信自己,谁还会相信你呢?

`don't make promise when you're in joy.don't reply when you're sad.don'take decisions when you're angry.think twice,act wise.别在喜悦时许诺,别在忧伤时回答,别在愤怒时做决定。

`the quality of the life you live... has everything to do with what you're willing to give. a good heart always brings joy生活的幸福程度永远跟你的分享精神成正比。一颗有爱的心总是能给人带来幸福和快乐。

`better with no one than to be with the wrong one与其找错误的人相伴,不如选择单身。

`before i met you i never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason没有遇到你之前,我从来没想到自己会这样,毫无缘由的对着一个人傻笑。

`the worst regret we can have is not for the wrong things we did, but for the right things we did for the wrong one生活中最大的遗憾,不是指我们曾经做错过过什么事,而是我们对错误的人做了正确的事。

`if you don't like something, change it. if you can't change it, change your attitude如果你不喜欢一件事,试着去改变它。如果无法改变,那就改变你的态度。

`a true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future真正的朋友会接受你的过去,力挺你的现在,鼓舞你的将来。

`the most important ingredient we can put into any relationship is "trust" because without it u have a recipe for failure感情生活中最重要的调味品是“信任”,缺了它,感情注定要失败

`making a million friends is not a miracle. the miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you交许许多多的朋友不是什么奇迹。真正的奇迹是当所有人都弃你而去的时候,还有一个朋友坚定的站在你一边。

`just because you're single doesn't mean you have to be alone单身并不意味着你一定会过得孤单。

`listen to everyone, but only trust yourself. nobody knows what's the best for you more than yourself!所有人的意见都要倾听,但能相信的只有自己。因为没有人比你更了解你自己。

`be what you want to be, not what others want to see做你自己想做的,而不是别人想看到的。

`in relationships,girls have a bad habit of holding on for too long. guys have a bad habit of letting go too easily在感情上,女人的缺点是当断不断,男人的缺点是过于果断。

`relationships do not need promises, terms, and conditions. but they do need faith and honesty感情不需要承诺、期限和条件,但需要信任和诚实。

`a true friend understands your silence more than your words真正的朋友更懂你的沉默,而不是你说的话。

`life may bring you down, but it's your choice to get back up or just stay down生活可能会把你打倒,但你可以选择爬起来继续战斗,或者是一蹶不振。共3页,当前第1页123
