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云南英语简单导游词 篇1

  Erhai Lake is located in the northwest of Dali City, Yunnan Province. It isthe second largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province. It is long and narrow.The lake water is clear and transparent. It has been called "the flawless jadeamong the mountains" since ancient times. It is one of the four scenic spots ofDali.

  It is said that the shape of Erhai Lake is like an ear, so it is known as"Plateau Pearl". Looking down from the sky, Erhai Lake is like a new moon, lyingquietly between Cangshan and Dali Bazi. Boating in Erhai Lake gives people apoetic and picturesque mood of "boat floating in the blue waves, people swimmingin the paintings".

  Erhai Park is a good place to enjoy the scenery of Cangshan Erhai Lake.There are three islands, four continents, five lakes and nine curves in thelake. Three islands: Jinsuo Island, Chiwen island and tianer island; fourcontinents: qingsabi, daguanchu, Yuanyang and Malian; five lakes: Nantang lake,Beitang lake, Lianzhu lake, Longhu Lake and Bozhou Lake; nine tunes: Lianhua,Daji, Puji, Fengyi, luoelbow, Niujiao, boyin and Gaoyan.

  There are many beautiful bays in Erhai Lake, among which Haidong Bay,diaosewan, kanglang Bay and Shuanglang Bay are larger. Especially the "threeislands" in the lake make Erhai Lake more beautiful. Dali "Fenghuaxueyue" fourscenes: xiaguanfeng, shangguanhua, Cangshan snow, Erhai moon.

云南英语简单导游词 篇2

  As soon as I came to Erhai Lake in Dali, I fell in love with it at firstsight - the sky is blue, the sea is blue, and people are blue. It's as beautifulas a picture.

  The sea breeze with the smell of sea water is rushing towards us, wavesafter waves are coming out of the water, and the sea is beating the rocksexcitedly. It's leisurely, relaxed and wonderful, comfortable and harmonious.It's just the work of nature.

  Step on the through boat to watch the sunset and listen to the ensemble ofthe boat and the sea, "Hua La, Hua La" is like a pure song without words, whichmakes people intoxicated. The sound is really beautiful. "Hoo Hoo" the seabreeze makes the whole person very comfortable. No wonder many poets like towrite poems with the sea to express their feelings. How arbitrary this feelingis! The boat is brought up and down by the naughty waves, and everyone screamsfrom time to time for fear that a big wave will turn the boat over.

  A wisp of residual light shines on our faces - we finally see the red andred sun! A seagull roams in the sky, a white cloud floats in the sky, and a sungently fills the sky with weak light. The boat slowly stopped, and everyonequietly gazed at the beautiful scenery like an oil painting. It seemed that Ihad forgotten everything, my troubles, and my thoughts. I just enjoyed it pureand carefree, and I couldn't help exclaiming: "how beautiful it is!"

  Back on the shore, the night has come, and the lights of every household onthe Erhai beach are on one after another. The sea is still full of passion, andwaves of it hit the rocks. Fishing boats, big and small, gradually came to theshore, but the beach was still very busy. People who had been tired all day camehere for a walk and blowing the sea breeze. Erhai Lake at night is still sobeautiful.

  "Hu Hu -" the sea breeze gently stroked my cheek and looked at the endlessblue Erhai Lake, just like looking at a beautiful oil painting. I really want toenjoy it all the time.

  Blue sky, blue sea, blue people

云南英语简单导游词 篇3

  Erhai Lake, once known as yeyuze, kunmichuan, Xierhe and Xierhe in ancientliterature, is located in the northwest of Dali City, Yunnan Province. It is thesecond largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province and the seventh largestfreshwater lake in China. Erhai Lake starts from Eryuan in the north, with alength of about 42.58 km. The only outlet of Erhai Lake is near Xiaguan town andflows out through Xi'er river.

  Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake depend on each other. Erhai Lake is one ofthe four scenic spots in Dali. It is said that it is named Erhai Lake because itlooks like an ear. Erhai Lake has excellent water quality and rich aquaticresources. At the same time, it is also a scenic spot with beautifulscenery.

  The scenery of Erhai Lake is changeable and colorful. In the early morning,the mist is light, the lake is confused, the smoke is endless, waiting for thesunrise in the east to open the veil, revealing the beautiful face; the risingsun, the rising sun, the golden waves, the fishing boat sail. As the sun sets inthe west, the afterglow falls, the boat returns to the shore, and the fishingsongs sing late. On a moonlit night, the water is still, the wind is light, theshadow of the moon is shining, and the waves are lapping on the shore. "Nightmoon in Erhai Lake" has become one of the four wonders of Dali, "Shangguan wind,Xiaguan flower, Cangshan snow and Erhai Lake moon". What's more strange is thatdue to the strong wind in Shangguan, the water waves of the Xi'er River areblown back. Originally, Erhai Lake flows out of the Xi'er River, but it lookslike the Xi'er river flows into Erhai Lake.

  Erhai Lake is a fault subsided lake with clear water and high transparency,which has been called "flawless jade among mountains" since ancient times. It issaid that there is a huge jade cabbage growing on the bottom of the sea. Thegreen water of the lake is the jade liquid pouring out from the bottom of thejade cabbage's heart. A boat tour of Erhai Lake

  Although this is an old-fashioned link, Dali is flexible because of thewater, so Erhai Lake has almost become one of the scenic spots that can't bemissed.

  Step 1: take the No.8 bus to yu'er road and buy the ticket from any ticketcenter. Or you don't have to go to the ticket center. There will be persistentlocal people on the road. Ticket sellers will stop you to buy tickets. If theprice is almost the same, just buy one. The price is about 140 yuan, usually80-100 yuan in non peak season.

  Step 2: buy some water and snacks for the cruise.

  Step three: get on board. The ship will be dispatched at different times.Tour route: xiaoputuo Nanzhao style island. In fact, it's not very interestingto be on the island. It's a serious business to blow the wind on the Erhaisea.

  Step four: disembark. The place to get off the ship is not Dali port.Generally, you get off at Taoyuan wharf and go back to Dali ancient city at 10yuan per person. You can also take a taxi here to the next scenic spot. Such asthe Three Pagodas of Chongsheng temple.

云南英语简单导游词 篇4

  Erhai Lake is located in the east of Dali ancient city, at the foot ofgreen Cangshan Mountain. The water color is blue. It is famous for itsinvincible landscape and unique villages and towns along the lake. Living in theseaside of Erhai Lake, cycling around the lake and boating are all good choicesto experience the customs of Erhai Lake.

  There are three islands in Erhai Lake, namely Jinsuo Island, xiaoputuoisland and Nanzhao style island. Around the lake, there are caicun, Xizhou,Shuanglang, gouse, Haidong and other villages and towns with their owncharacteristics. You can choose to live anywhere near the lake. There areelegant Inns to choose from. You can also live in the ancient city of Dali andcome to visit when you have nothing to do. Walking among villages and towns,looking at the vast Cangshan Mountain in the distance, smelling the smell ofrape flowers everywhere, basking in the sun, unconsciously spending a leisurelyday.

  The most famous scenic spot on Erhai beach is the double corridor on theeast bank, which is famous for its lake scenery. The sunlight is reflected onthe lake through the clouds, forming the "Erhai divine light". With thecontinuous Cangshan Mountain as the background, it is the best shot thatphotographers want to capture. All kinds of elegant Inns appear by the lake, andShuanglang seems to have become a place for petty bourgeois and literati to stayovernight in Dali. The most famous buildings are Yang Liping's Sun Palace andZhao Qing's "Qinglu", which is known as the glass castle. Its suspended glasscorridor has even become the symbol of double corridors.

  Caicun is the nearest seaside village to the ancient city, and it is alsothe distribution center of Erhai Lake motor boats. The dock here can take a boatto visit the scenery of Erhai Lake. Xizhou is characterized by folk customs andBai residential buildings. You can drink three courses of tea of Bai nationalityand have a look at Yan's courtyard, which is the most representative of Bairesidential buildings.

  Boat Ride

  There are three regular Erhai cruise terminals: longkan terminal, Taoyuanterminal and Xiaguan terminal. The routes of the three docks are differentaccording to the different docks, but the scenic spots they pass basically coverxiaoputuo, Jinsuo Island, Nanzhao style Island, etc. The cost of the cruise isabout 142 yuan (including the ticket, Erhai environmental protection fee, Sandaotea show and the ticket to xiaoputuo and Nanzhao Island). The ship also providesthree tea shows of Bai nationality.

  In addition, in the lakeside villages and towns such as Shuanglang andcaicun, you can find local fishermen by yourself and take their small fishingboats to wander in the lake. There is no fixed route. The cost depends on thenumber of people and can be discussed in time. But you need to be safe.

  Cycling around the lake

  At present, there is a tourist landscape road around Erhai Lake, with atotal length of about 120 km. It takes two days for a bicycle to circle thelake. There are many car rental shops in Dali ancient city, which is veryconvenient. Along the way, you can see Yinqiao Town, Xizhou Town, ShangguanTown, Shuanglang Town, gouse Town, Haidong town and other lakeside scenicspots.
