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贵阳黔灵山公园导游词 篇1





  现在我们脚下的九曲径共有382级台阶,24个“之”字拐,因有9个大弯道而称为“九曲径”。沿着山道旁的石壁上,有许多石刻,从“第一山”、 “黔灵胜境”到“南无阿弥陀佛”……引导人们走近佛门,感受“心既是佛”的境界。大家看,这里有一个巨大的“虎”字,这是清朝的石刻。为什么在这佛山上会有“虎”字?大家都知道,虎是山中之王,以虎镇山,还有什么妖魔鬼怪敢接近呢?于是,佛法弘扬,得一清净之地。走到上面还有一个“吹螺壁”,一些奇妙的小洞遍布在石壁上,洞眼大小象手指一样,如果用嘴贴着石壁可吹出海螺鸣叫的声音,传说吹响小洞,就能使人长寿。九曲径的最后,还有一个泉亭,叫做洗钵池。







贵阳黔灵山公园导游词 篇2








贵阳黔灵山公园导游词 篇3







贵阳黔灵山公园导游词 篇4

  Hello, everyone

  I'm your tour guide today. You can call me Xiao _! Today, I'm going tovisit Qianling mountain park with you. Here, Xiao _ wish you a happy trip!

  Dear tourists, the Qianling mountain park we visited today is a large-scalecomprehensive park in Guiyang City, known as "the first mountain in SouthernGuizhou". It is said that in the 20__ year of Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty(1672 A.D.), monk Chisong, the founder of Hongfu temple, planted ancient pinesupside down on the mountain and survived. Therefore, it got its name, whichmeans "it must be a place of outstanding people to gather the spirit ofGuizhou.". Qianling Park integrates mountain, water, forest, cave, spring,temple and monkey. It is a famous urban forest park in China. It mainly includesHongfu temple, Guanzhu Pavilion, Qianling Lake, zoo, Qilin cave and other scenicspots. Now let's appreciate the beauty of each scenic spot one by one!

  Dear tourists, now the winding path under our feet is called "Jiuqu path",which is named for its nine big curves. Stepping on the stone path, the ancientBuddha cave not far away is dedicated to an ascetic monk, which probably existedbefore the opening of Chisong mountain. So Xu Xiake, a great traveler in thelate Ming Dynasty, mentioned this ancient Buddha cave in his diary of travelingto Guizhou. Along the stone wall beside the mountain road, there are many stonecarvings, from "the first mountain", "Qianling scenic spot" to "Amitabha Buddhain the South" Guide people to approach Buddhism and feel the state of "heart isBuddha". When Mr. Dong Biwu visited this place, he felt that he had left behind"the first mountain in Southern Guizhou, which was praised by my waist andfeet.". The spring is clear, the trees are ancient, the leaves are slightlydetached, and the two peaks outside the temple stand like a pass.

  All the way hard, finally came to the famous ancient temple Hongfu templein Central Guizhou. Members, this large stone sculpture on my right hand iscalled "Jiulong bathing Buddha". It is said that when Sakyamuni was born, ninedragons spat water to bathe him. On the left side is Hongfu temple. The gate ofHongfu temple is a archway building with three gateways. The inscription "thefirst mountain in Southern Guizhou" is written by former vice president DongBiwu. The inscription "Hongfu Temple" is written by Zhao Puchu, President ofChina Buddhist Association. Do you know why there are always three openings inthe mountain gate? It symbolizes the "three liberation gates" of Buddhism,namely, the empty gate, the Wuxiang gate and the Wuzuo gate. Therefore, if thedoor in the middle is opened, it is to escape and become a monk. Hongfu templewas built in 20__ of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty. It has a history ofmore than 300 years. It is located on the flat ground where Xiangwang mountain,zhangbo peak and Baota peak intersect. It is surrounded by mountains on threesides and covered with green shade. The whole temple sits in the West and faceseast. The whole layout is like a character. In the temple, the first hall isTianwang hall, the second hall is Guanyin hall, and the third hall is the mainhall, Daxiong hall. Behind the Daxiong hall is the Jade Buddha Hall. There aremore than ten jade Buddhas, all of which are invited by Honghui, a Chinese monkand Nun, from Yangon, Myanmar.

  Members of the group, this is the pavilion of view building! BecauseGuiyang is also known as "building a city", and you can see the panoramic viewof Guiyang from here. Climbing the pavilion from afar is like eclosion andimmortality, so this pavilion is also called "Pavilion of view building". Thethree words of "Pavilion of view building" were written by Master Liu Haisu inthe spring of 1986. Chairman Zhu De also went to the pavilion in March 1962 andwrote a poem praising Guiyang: "looking at Guiyang from Qianling mountain, wewill change our clothes after ten years of construction. Many young people arebrave and handsome, and they are eager to build their hometown. "

  Dear tourist friends, it is said that it is easy to go up the mountain butdifficult to go down. Please rest assured that it is the opposite on Qianlingmountain. If you don't believe we can experience it, let's go down to QianlingLake, zoo and Qilin cave together!

  Members, the water lake we see is Qianling Lake. It used to be a smallriver, but later a dam was built to form Qianling Lake. The lake has a surfacearea of about 20 hectares and a storage capacity of 1 million cubic meters. Youcan fish, swim and row. There are teahouses, promenades and waterside pavilionsbeside the lake, which is a good place for leisure.

  Dear tourists, on our way to the zoo, I believe you have seen macaquesgathered by the roadside. There are many such macaques living in Qianlingmountain park. In 1984, the zoo put more than 100 macaques in captivity onQianling mountain for wild breeding. In 20__, the number of macaques hasincreased to more than 500. People in Guiyang often take macaques' favorite foodto visit the elves in this group of cities. People in the park play and enjoythemselves, which has become a major feature of the park.

  Members of the group, the cave in front of us is the Qilin cave. Thisnatural cave is named for its huge stalagmite, which looks like a qilin. Infront of the cave, there are luxuriant Lagerstroemia indica and three hundredyear old pomegranate trees. This "water moon nunnery" beside the cave, duringthe Anti Japanese War, once held two famous Anti Japanese patriotic generals,Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng. It has left many stories and has now beenturned into an exhibition room.

  Dear tourist friends, today's tour of Qianling mountain park is over. Thankyou for your support to my work. Welcome to Qianling Mountain Park again! I wishyou a better life and work!

贵阳黔灵山公园导游词 篇5

  Qianling park is a national AAAA tourist area. It is located in thenorthwest of the Central District of Guiyang. It is adjacent to Zaoshan road inthe south, bageyan road in the East, Shibei road in the northeast, guandaoyanand Xiaoguan reservoir in the north, changpoling forest farm, qichongling,Sanqiao village and Shengquan in the West. It is 1.5 km away from the citycenter and covers an area of 426 hectares. It is one of the few largecomprehensive urban parks in China. It is famous for Mingshan, Xiushui, Youlin,Gusi, Shengquan and Linghou. The park was built in 1957. It is a bright pearl ofGuizhou Plateau since ancient times, and has the reputation of "the firstmountain in Southern Guizhou".

  Because the climate background of Qianling mountain is located in theplateau, the climate conditions of Qianling mountain are quite consistent, andit has different plateau subtropical climate characteristics from the typicalmiddle subtropical region. There is no severe cold in winter, no severe heat insummer, abundant heat and long growth period. The annual average temperature is15.3 ℃, the monthly average temperature is 4.9 ℃, the maximum temperature is33-34 ℃, the minimum temperature is 4? 5 ℃, and the frost free period is 270days.

  Qianling park is a collection of mountains, forests, springs, lakes, caves,temples and animals. It is known as "value in the city, beauty in nature".

  Qianling mountain is a part of the central part of Qianzhong mountain. Thepark has continuous mountains and alternate valleys, and the terrain is full ofchanges. The altitude ranges from 1100 m to 1396 m, with undulating terrain andsmall relative elevation difference, about 200 m. The mountains are:baixiangling, bajiaoyan, daluoling, xiangwangshan, qichongling, Tanshan andzhangboshan. Among them, the altitude of daluoling is 1396 meters, which is thehighest peak in the park and the northwest of Guiyang central area.

  Due to the complex geological structure, more strata are exposed in a smallrange in qianlingshan area, including Maokou Formation of Lower Permian,Wujiaping formation and Changxing Formation of Upper Permian, Daye Formation andAnshun formation of Lower Triassic, Guiyang formation of Middle Triassic,Sanqiao formation and Erqiao formation of Upper Triassic and Ziliujing group ofmiddle lower Jurassic.

  In April 1944, Li Siguang, a famous geologist in China, inspected the siteof Hongfu temple in Qianling mountain, which belongs to the Quaternary glacialrelic "ice kiln".
