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贵州安顺龙宫导游词 篇1







贵州安顺龙宫导游词 篇2



  龙宫前是一开阔深潭,名“天池”,又名“龙潭”,系高山小湖 泊,面积一万多平方米,湖水澄碧,水深四十三米。池边崖石壁立,为古树藤萝覆盖。进入宫门,迎面是“群龙迎客”,青黝的洞顶垂下十数条钟乳石,张牙舞瓜,酷似龙形。暗河水平稳凝重,幽深莫测,水港曲折迷离。


  面积约八平方公里的龙宫风景区里,还有因岩溶发育形成的大小旱洞二十多个,有新寨洞、龙旗洞、天剑洞和虎穴洞。四洞中以新寨洞最大,又名“玉柱洞”,洞深一公里许,有七个洞厅和奇丽多姿的岩溶景 观。玉柱洞、龙旗洞、天剑洞,因洞中有奇特的石柱、石幔、石笋,形似玉柱、龙旗、宝剑得名。虎穴洞得名,因附近有一山头状如猛虎。




  龙宫 龙宫是国家级风景名胜区,距贵州西线旅游中心城市安顺市27公里,有高等级公路直达景区。



贵州安顺龙宫导游词 篇3

  Dear friends

  Hello everyone! Welcome to Anshun, an excellent tourist city in China! I'myour guide Xiao Zhang. You can also call me Zhang Dao, but this Zhang Dao is notthat Zhang Dao. Today, the scenic spot we are going to is the national AAAAAscenic spot Longgong. Longgong is located in Anshun City, Guizhou Province, 27kilometers away from the city and 116 kilometers away from Guiyang. The wholescenic area covers an area of 60 square kilometers, which is mainly composed ofcentral scenic area, Xuantang scenic area, rape River Scenic Area and majiaoqingscenic area. The green underground river in the cave, like silk, connects thegorge roads of different widths and halls of different sizes, forming a fourkilometer long water park and underground labyrinth landscape. Because thevillage where the underground river is located is called Longtan Village, it isnamed "Dragon Palace".

  When you come to the Dragon Palace, you have to mention its "three most".The Guinness World Records of Shanghai once awarded two gold lettered signboardsto the Dragon Palace. One is that there are 68 karst caves in the Dragon Palace,which is "the largest, most and most concentrated place in the world". What'sthe other signboard and its first and most important? Don't worry, let me sellit here first, and I'll reveal it to you one by one later. After walking throughwolongtan, we are going to find out the first answer. Please see, it is called"the first cave water in the world" Longmen waterfall.

  Longmen waterfall is the largest cave waterfall in China. Its cave hall is50 meters high. The waterfall is 38 meters high and 26 meters wide. How did sucha magical landscape come into being? You can see that the Tianchi Lake is abovethe Longmen waterfall. The water in the Tianchi lake turns a 90 degree turn inthe southwest due to the obstruction of sand and shale. In this way, itdissolves the surrounding rocks year after year. Finally, the cracks are gettingbigger and bigger. The water in the Tianchi Lake "flows thousands of miles" andbecomes the Longmen waterfall we see. From Longmen waterfall to Tianchi, TIANTIcave is our only way. Why is it called TIANTI cave? Because the water source ofthe Dragon Palace is higher than the mountain, the Tianchi in the Dragon Palaceis just like being born in the sky. We need to see the Tianchi, and only withthe help of TIANTI can we ascend from the earth to the sky, so it is calledTIANTI cave. It is 200 meters long, divided into one hole and two holes. Onehole is the upward roadway. These milky stalactites have various shapes and arethought-provoking. The second hole is flat but narrow, so you should be morecareful when you walk!

  Wang Bishui is the Tianchi Lake. It belongs to the erosive deep pool, 200meters long, 75 meters wide and 17 meters deep. It is as quiet as the autumnmoon, green as jade, unfathomable. Today, let's take a boat from here and startour 840 meter water journey. The two big characters "Dragon Palace" are powerfuland powerful. This is inscribed by Mr. Liu Haisu, a famous calligrapher inChina, when he visited the Dragon Palace at the age of 90. OK! Now, we are inthe hall of the first cave. Look at these stalactites. Do they look like the oldDragon King's ceremonial team is welcoming our guests from afar? With richimagination, people give it an interesting name "Qunlong Yingbin hall".

  Now we have come to the "relief mural Palace". With the instruction of thelight, you will enjoy the landscape murals outlined by the stone curtain andstone flowers. There is a narrow passage in front of us. We need to bend down topass it. When visiting, crosstalk master Hou Baolin humorously called it"politeness stone". Please be quiet. Do you feel a mysterious atmosphere here?This is the "Five Dragons protect the main palace". Who is the "Lord"? She isthe legendary three princesses of the Dragon King. The princess's boudoir needsto be quiet. Look, the five flying dragons above our heads are hovering in theair to guard us. Do you feel extra cool when you come here by boat? Pleasebreathe deeply. Do you feel the air in the princess's boudoir is extra fresh?This also proves another golden sign of our Dragon Palace, which is "the placewith the lowest natural radiation in the world". It is also the place with thecleanest air. If you don't take a few more deep breaths, we will also enjoy theworld-class treatment. When you enter this cave hall, you will feel suddenlyenlightened. This is the "Crystal Palace". It has more than 4000 square metersand the water depth is 26 meters. It is said that there are many immortals here.Now it is time for you to show your eyesight and imagination and see who canfind their hiding place.

  Now we are passing through a gorge, which is more than 100 meters high, 200meters long and 40 meters deep. This is called "Gaoxia Yougu Palace" with thename of "Three Gorges in the cave, underground Panjiang River". Our waterjourney is over. Let's walk out of the cave and see what kind of world it is.Please see, the cliffs on both sides of the river are like oysters, with aheight of 100 meters and a width of 100 meters. If we look from above, we willbecome pearls. So people call them "clam shell rock". Looking up, the sky windis falling. I don't know that at this time, you have the feeling of landing onthe sky and entering the earth, and you feel relaxed and happy. Next, we aregoing to the dry karst cave, tiger cave, which is located in the middle of themountain. Perhaps in terms of volume, it is not as grand as Zhijin cave, but thesmall one also contains rich and colorful stalactite landscape. Believe it ornot, we'll see!

  Longgong scenic area always gives us visual surprise again and again, sothe Xuantang scenic area we see now will not disappoint you. When you look atthis whirlpool, do you think it's just an ordinary pond? Please look carefully,its water always rotates clockwise. Is that what people call divine help? Ofcourse not. Xuantang landscape is caused by karst landform. You see, the riverwater cuts into the Xuantang from the left. Because it is funnel-shaped, and itsbottom is connected with the underground river, the thrust of the river waterinjection and the attraction of the underground river make this spectacle. Afterlistening to my explanation, maybe you want to find out more. Let's leave it toyou for a few minutes. But don't forget to pay attention to safety!
