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东莞英语导游词20xx 篇1

  Great changes have taken place in Dongguan. In the past, it was just asmall town. You can know from many local place names, such as Huangcun,Zhangcun, yajiaowei, niushitang and so on. But now there are no villages inthose places. They are all high-rise buildings and wide streets in the urbanarea. Therefore, niushitang has changed its name to aozhitang, because itspronunciation is the same as that of "niushitang" in Guangdong, but it'sdifferent when it's written. It's not so ugly to hang a road sign high up likethis.

  Many towns below Dongguan are no longer rural towns. If you have the chanceto visit Chang'an and Zhangmutou in Dongguan these days, you may have to marvelthat they are small Hong Kong! Dongguan has a total area of 2465 squarekilometers. If you ask how many cities and villages there are, I can hardlyanswer you. Because Dongguan's countryside is also like a city with high-risebuildings, just take a look at the road from Dongguan to Houjie Town, which weare going to pass. It's full of factories, shops and houses. We can no longerfind the boundary between towns.

  Everyone can see that there are many luxuriant trees on both sides of theroad, full and round crown, that is the famous litchi tree! If you come toDongguan from May to June, you can see that these big trees are all covered withred litchi. I remember that a poet once praised them as "flying flame to crossthe sky" and "red cloud tens of thousands of weight". That's true.

  As we all know, the biggest characteristic of litchi is that it can't bestored. Bai Juyi said that it changes color in one day, fragrance in two days,taste in three days, and color and fragrance in four or five days. That's whythe story of Yang Guifei's "riding the princess of the red world and laughing".Now with modern means of transportation, it becomes "a plane, everyone laughs.".Have you ever laughed in your hometown? However, no matter how fresh it is, it'sbetter to come to our litchi village in Dongguan, pick the biggest and reddestone from the litchi tree by hand, crack the skin, and bite it so delicious!That's a real laugh!

  So welcome to Dongguan litchi market. The litchi varieties in Dongguan arethe best in Guangdong. We don't eat litchi from other cities. However,Dongguan's good varieties of litchi are very concentrated in the market, whichis relatively short. Only in the tens of days from May to June every year, therest of the time, such as March Red in March and April and black leaves in Julyand August, are not good varieties. So you should not come in those few months.If you come to Dongguan and eat bad varieties of litchi, why don't you go backand say bad things about Dongguan litchi Is bad our Dongguan litchi name, thenour litchi can not agree!

  I haven't formally introduced the name of our famous litchi in Dongguan fora long time. It's really a little hard to call out! The best litchi variety inDongguan is called "nuomizi", because it is big, glutinous, tender and sweet.After eating, there is no residue, so it gets such an image name. Moreover,after years of selection and cultivation, its nucleus has degenerated. It is notmuch bigger than a grain of rice, so it has a lot of meat. In addition, it isvery big, two or three times as big as the general small varieties of litchi. Soif Su Dongpo had eaten our Dongguan glutinous rice, his poem would have beenchanged to "eat 30 lychees a day", because 300 lychees would have made him liedown!

  Another famous variety is Guiwei. It's smaller and has a prickly skin. Butwe all know that the prickly rose is very fragrant. Guiwei is also the mostfragrant of litchi varieties. It's just the fragrance of bursts of Guihua, soit's called Guiwei. Moreover, its meat is fresh and crisp, and it is not easy todeteriorate. If you peel off a piece of cinnamon and wrap it in paper, it willnot drip through one day and one night, which is unmatched by other litchi.There is also a famous Princess smile in Dongguan, which is the kind that madeYang Guifei laugh. I believe it will make you all laugh. Listen to me so much,are you all drooling? Why is the floor of the car so wet?

  When it comes to our delicious food in Dongguan, there are still wonderfulones! The most peculiar is the Gramineae. There is a saying from the northernerswho come to Guangdong: "Cantonese eat everything except planes in the sky andtables and chairs on the ground! "Ha ha! And there are many more characteristicfood in Dongguan. I'm afraid it's more difficult for you to swallow than tables,chairs and benches!

  The first famous is Sanhe banquet. They are "He Chong, he huaque, heHuali". The sparrow and the common carp eat the sparrow and the fish that growup when the seedlings bloom. Their meat is especially fresh and sweet. There isa saying among Dongguan people that a little sparrow is as nutritious as an oldhen! So its price is really the top of an old hen. Usually, a half fist sparrowcosts more than ten yuan, sometimes even 20 yuan! It's hard to distinguish thecommon carp from the common carp, but the old Dongguan people can stilldistinguish it from its meat flavor, so the merchants don't dare to makefake.

  And the most legendary of Sanhe is He Chong! Do you know what a cerealinsect is? It's the insects that grow on the seedlings! It's less than an inchlong, soft, flat, with many small feet, a bit like a half sized silkworm. Itspecializes in eating grass seedlings, a bit like a cabbage worm. But it's morecolorful than it. Does it sound hard to swallow? But although it looks terrible,it tastes delicious and nutritious. Listen to me.

  Gramineae only grow in the grass fields at the junction of salt and freshwater in the Pearl River Delta. It matures in April, August and September. Aprilis called early worm, thin and blue, but late worm is called "Golden Flowerworm", which is a favorite of Cantonese. It's golden yellow with red and green.It's very slow to get up. It's plump and full of pulp. Isn't it terrible? But itis the favorite of local gourmets in Dongguan!

  According to the old people in Dongguan, fishing for "Golden Flowerinsects" is usually done on the first and the 15th night of junior high schoolwhen the tide is high. It's better if it's on the night of the month. When thetide is high, you only need to flood the field. When the tide is low, you canlight a lantern at the entrance of Tiantou canal, and the insects will come withthe water when they see the light. At this time, you just need to bundle a clothbag outside the canal, pull up the drainage canal board, and the insects willthrow themselves into the net, with a net of up to dozens of kilograms. When youcome back, you can put them in the straw bucket.

东莞英语导游词20xx 篇2

  Dear tourists

  Hello and welcome to Dongguan. I'm your guide David.

  Dongguan City is located in the south central part of Guangdong Province,the East Bank of the Pearl River Estuary, and the Pearl River Delta in the lowerreaches of the Dongjiang River. It is located in the east of Guangzhou and isrich in guancao. It is between 113 ° 31 ′ - 114 ° 15 ′ E and 22 ° 39 ′ - 23 ° 09′ n. Yinpingzui mountain of Qingxi Town borders Huiyang District of Huizhou Cityin the East; datan township of Zhongtang town borders Guangzhou City, ZengchengCity and BOLUO County of Huizhou City in the north; Shiziyang central route inthe northwest of Xidatan of Shatin town borders Panyu District of Guangzhou Cityin the West; Yantian reservoir of Fenggang town connects Bao'an District ofShenzhen City in the south. Adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, in the middle ofGuangzhou Shenzhen economic corridor. It is 59 km from Guangzhou in thenorthwest, 99 km from Shenzhen in the southeast and 140 km from Hong Kong. It isabout 70.45 km long from east to west and 46.8 km wide from north to south. Thecity has a land area of 2465 square kilometers and a sea area of 150 squarekilometers.

  [geology? Geomorphology] in terms of geological structure, Dongguan City islocated in the south-west of northeast BOLUO fault and Dongguan fault depressionbasin on the southern edge of northeast Luofushan fault zone. The terrain ishigh in the southeast and low in the northwest. The landforms are mainly hillyplatform and alluvial plain, with hilly platform accounting for 44.5%, alluvialplain accounting for 43.3% and mountainous area accounting for 6.2%. There aremany mountains in the southeast, especially in the East. The mountains are huge,strongly divided, concentrated and undulating. The elevation is 200-600 meters,and the slope is about 30 degrees. The main peak of Yinpingzui mountain is 898.2meters high, which is the highest peak in Dongguan City. The low mountains andhills in the central and southern parts are hilly and platform areas. Thenortheast part is close to the Dongjiang River bank, with developed hillockland, land and valley plains, of which the elevation is 30-80 meters In thenorthwest is the delta plain formed by Dongjiang River, which is a low-lyingarea surrounded by water network; in the southwest is the river alluvial plainnear the Pearl River Estuary, which is flat and low-lying, which is ashaxiantian area greatly affected by the tide.

  Dongguan City holds the throat of Dongjiang River and Guangzhou waterway tothe sea. It has 115.94 km coastline (including inner waterway), 53 km mainwaterway coastline and Humen Port, a good deep-water port.

  [mineral resources] there are 19 kinds of mineral resources in class VIIand 66 ore deposits in Dongguan. Among them, there are 8 types of metalminerals, 34 deposit spots: 10 ferrous metal minerals (9 iron ore spots and 1ilmenite), 23 non-ferrous metal minerals (4 copper deposits, 4 lead-zincdeposits, 10 tungsten deposits, 4 tin deposits and 1 titanium deposit), and 1precious metal gold mineralization spot. There are 32 non-metallic minerals ofclass VI 11 types: 9 metallurgical auxiliary raw material minerals (4 refractoryclay, 4 peat soil and 1 petroleum), 14 chemical raw material minerals (6 pyrite,3 barite, 4 potash feldspar and 1 halite), 3 building material non-metallicminerals (2 cement limestone and 1 cement clay). It is mainly distributed in themountains and hills in the middle, South and east of Dongguan. The distributionof mineral resources is scattered and irregular.

  [animal and plant resources] there are many kinds of wild animals inDongguan City, which are mainly distributed in mountainous and hilly areas. Mostof the larger wild animals live in the southeast mountainous areas, and most ofthem are found in plain and hilly areas. The main wild animals are: mammals,birds, fish (134 species), crustaceans and a variety of shellfish, amphibians,reptiles, insects and so on. The main wild plants are: 1 630 species of vascularplants, belonging to 210 families and 805 genera, including 125 species ofpteridophytes, 37 families and 66 genera; 7 species of gymnosperms, 5 familiesand 5 genera; 1 498 species of angiosperms, 168 families and 734 genera(including 143 families, 556 genera and 1135 species of dicotyledons; 25families, 178 genera and 363 species of monocotyledons). There are 8 phyla and110 genera of plankton in inland waters.

  [tourism resources] Dongguan is a famous historical and cultural city inGuangdong Province, the opening place of modern Chinese history, Dongjiangpeople's Anti Japanese base, and the pioneer of reform and opening up. In 20__,Dongguan City selected eight new scenic spots: "Songhu Yanyu" (Songshan Lakehigh tech Industrial Development Zone), "Dadao Zhaohui" (Dongguan Avenue),"Plaza yicui" (Central Square), "gusai Feihong" (Humen Bridge), "Huying Diecui"(Huying country park and the surrounding landscape of Yujing Bay), "BanlingNingfang" (green world, shuilianshan Forest Park and other scenic spots) Thesurrounding landscape, Lianfeng Heron (Chang'an Lianhuashan scenic spot) andJinsha Yangyue (Shilong Jinsha Bay). In the same year, Dongguan was rated as"China's excellent tourism city".

  Administrative division

  On May 1, 20__, Dongguan city governed four streets and 28 towns: Guanchengstreet, Nancheng street, Dongcheng Street, Wanjiang street, Shijie Town, ShilongTown, Chashan Town, Shipai town, Qishi Town, Hengli Town, Qiaotou town, XiegangTown, Dongkeng Town, Changping Town, Liaobu Town, Dalang Town, Huangjiang Town,Qingxi Town, Tangxia Town, Fenggang town, Chang'an Town, Humen Town, Houjie Townand Shatin town , Daocheng Town, Hongmei Town, Machong Town, Zhongtang Town,Gaocheng Town, Zhangmutou town, Dalingshan Town, Wangniudun town.

  [historical evolution]

  Dongguan county was established in the sixth year of Xianhe in the EasternJin Dynasty (331 A.D.), initially named Bao'an, under the jurisdiction ofDongguan county. In 757, it was renamed Dongguan, and the county government wastransferred from Wucheng (now Baoan Nantou) to Yongcheng (now Guancheng). In the22nd year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty (1152), Xiangshan town inDongguan was established as Xiangshan County (now Zhongshan City); in the firstyear of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1573), Dongguan was established as Xin'anCounty (now Bao'an District, Shenzhen City) with a total of 56 Li households.The Qing Dynasty was ruled by the Ming Dynasty. During the period of theRepublic of China, it successively belonged to Guangdong Province, GuangdongProvince, Guangdong central administrative region, the first administrativeregion and the fourth administrative region.

  On October 17, 1949, Dongguan was liberated. At the beginning, it was underthe jurisdiction of Dongjiang administrative region.

  In March 1950, Dongguan county was attached to the Pearl River specialzone.

  In 1952, the Pearl River region was abolished, and Dongguan county wassubordinate to the central Guangdong administrative region.

  In February 1956, the central Guangdong administrative region was abolishedand Dongguan county was subordinate to Huiyang District.

  In November 1958, Dongguan county was once attached to Guangzhou City for ashort time.

  In January 1959, Huiyang District was abolished and Dongguan county wasassigned to Foshan district.

  In June 1963, Huiyang District was restored, and Dongguan county wassubordinate to Huiyang District.

  In 1985, Dongguan county was approved by the State Council as the PearlRiver Delta economic development zone. In September of the same year, Dongguancounty was abolished and Dongguan City was established;

  In January 1988, it was upgraded to a prefecture level city. Dongguan Cityis one of the four prefecture level cities without municipal jurisdiction,directly under Guangdong Province. (the other four cities are Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province, Sanya City, Hainan Province and Sansha City, HainanProvince)

  In 1986, Dongguan city began to withdraw districts and build towns,implementing the system of villages under the jurisdiction of towns;

  On February 4, 1986, with approval, Dongguan City and three districtoffices, including Huangcun District, Wanjiang district and Fucheng District,were abolished, and Dongguan City sub district office, Wanjiang District subdistrict office, Fucheng District sub district office and Huangcun District subdistrict office were established.

  In March 20__, the sub district office of Fucheng District was abolishedand the Dongcheng sub district office was established;

  In October 20__, (Hu á ng) Huangcun District sub district office wasrenamed Nancheng sub district office;

  In January 20__, the sub district offices of the inner and outer districtsof the city, which were set up separately since January 1988, were abolished,and the sub district offices of Guancheng were merged and re established;

  In November 20__, Wanjiang District sub district office was renamed asWanjiang sub district office.

  In September 20__, Dongguan City has 28 towns and 4 streets, and each town(street) has 383 villages and 214 communities. The village has a number ofvillagers' groups and the community has a number of residents' groups. DongguanCity, town (street), village (community) three-level administrative districtmanagement; street administrative agencies for the sub district office; villageadministrative agencies for the villagers committee, community administrativeagencies for the community residents committee.

  General situation of climate in Dongguan City

  [rivers] the main rivers in Dongguan are Dongjiang River, Shima River andHanxi river. 96% of the territory belongs to the Dongjiang River Basin. The mainstream of the Dongjiang River flows from BOLUO county and Huiyang District ofHuizhou City in the northeast, and then along the northern border from east towest to Qiaotou xinkaihekou. It flows into Shima River, which originates fromBao'an District of Shenzhen City, and into Qishi River, which flows into Qishicity. After Shilong is separated from the South tributary, the north main streamflows to Shitan, converges with the tributary from Zengcheng City, Guangzhou,and flows into Shiziyang through Dasheng city. The South tributary flowsobliquely southwest through Shijie and Wanjiang River, and receives Hanxi waterfrom the middle of Shiziyang city at the gorge. Below the gorge, there are threesmaller tributaries, Niushan River, gedishui River and Xiaosha River, which flowfrom east to west, and then flows to Sisheng and flows into Shiziyang . Betweenthe north main stream and the South Branch is the river network area ofDongjiang Delta.

  [climate] Dongguan has a subtropical monsoon climate, with long summer andno winter, abundant light, abundant heat, warm climate, small temperaturevariation, abundant rainfall and obvious dry and wet seasons. In 20__, theprecipitation was low, the temperature was low, and there was no positive attackof tropical cyclone. The annual average temperature is 22.1 ℃, 0.5 ℃ lower thanthe annual average; the coldest is January (monthly average temperature is 10.6℃), the hottest is August (monthly average temperature is 29.3 ℃), and the hightemperature (daily maximum temperature ≥ 35 ℃) lasts for 8 days. The annualextreme maximum temperature was 36.2 ℃ (appeared on July 25, 20__), and theannual extreme minimum temperature was 3.2 ℃ (appeared on January 12, 20__). Theannual total rainfall in 20__ was 1298.6 mm, 29.1% less than the annual average;the total rainfall in flood season (April September) was 1014.9 mm, 32.8% lessthan the annual average. During the year, there was no positive attack oftropical cyclones, only affected by the circulation of "Haima" and "Nasha",which did not cause obvious disasters.

东莞英语导游词20xx 篇3

  Welcome to Dongguan. The first thing we need to pay attention to when wecome to Dongguan is the pronunciation of our city name. Many friends who camehere before read it as "Dongwan" just because there is an idiom called smile.You are very happy. We Dongguan people don't agree. How can we become a bowl?Dongguan is rich in a kind of water plant called guancao. Its pronunciation is"Guan". It's in the east of Guangzhou, so it gradually has the name ofDongguan.

  Some people may want to ask, what's the use of guancao? It used to be veryuseful in the past. It was hot in Guangdong. In the past, old Cantonese used towear mats on their beds all year round. What's the use of mats? This is guancao!Moreover, it was exported to Hong Kong and Southeast Asia in bulk at that time,because the weather there was also very hot! In the past, students fromGuangdong went to Beijing to study without bedding In winter, there was only onemat on the bed board. When the school leaders checked the students' dormitories,they almost burst into tears. They quickly asked the students' office tosubsidize him with a mattress. As a result, when they went to see it in a fewdays, the mattress was supplemented, but there was also a mat on it. They reallyhad no way to take it. This is the great attraction of our grass mat. But nowthe grass industry in Dongguan is miserable, because of the lack of support Inorder to improve people's living standards, every home has been equipped withair conditioning, which has led to the end of the industry. Now, if you want tosee the grass mat in Dongguan, you have to go to the museum!

  OK, now our car has come to the center of Dongguan City. Do you see theancient city building in front of us, which is a bit like Tiananmen Square? Thatis the west gate of Dongguan, which was built in the Ming Dynasty. Some touristsare surprised that Dongguan has a long history. In fact, Dongguan has a muchlonger history than this. The first official office was set up here by the firstemperor of Qin Dynasty. Dongguan county was set up in the Three Kingdoms period,and Dongguan county was set up in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Unfortunately, it wasDongguan County until 1985. Look here, we have been a county for nearly __years!

  What is what destructed opium is, why, why, in the past, there was no suchthing as Dongguan in history. It used to be a name of the town, such as "Humentobacco", which everyone knows, but Humen is just a town in Dongguan. Everyonewho has read history books knows Humen, but no one knows Dongguan. If that yearwas named Dongguan, then destructed opium. Dongguan is already famous!

  This tower is called Yingen tower. It is said that during the Hongwu Periodof the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates often came here to plunder. At that time,there was no barrier around Dongguan. So a general named Chang ran led the armyand the people to build a city wall and four gates around Dongguan. The wholewall was 1299 feet long, which surrounded the whole Dongguan City. At that time,the gate was closed, xiaori Ben, the pirate is jumping outside the city. Nomatter whether he is a ninja or a tortoise, he can't get in.

  Moreover, the city wall has the function of flood control. When there is aflood in summer, the city gate is blocked with sandbags, so that the city willnot be flooded. It's really making the people rich. Therefore, the people ofDongguan have a lot of feelings for this building. Even though the urban area ischanging, they are reluctant to demolish the old building. Now they haveinvested a lot of money to rebuild the surrounding area into xichengmen CulturalSquare, which has become an important place for citizens to have leisure andentertainment and hold large-scale festivals. You can see that behind theancient city building is the newly built four-star hotel in Dongguan. Does itfeel like "five thousand years at a glance" standing here?

  OK, our car will continue to show you around the city. Have you noticedthat there are many majestic motorcycle mounted policemen on the streets ofDongguan? This is our 110 security police in Dongguan. They are very quick. Theypromise to arrive at the scene within five minutes when they report the case.But there is one. They don't wear white police uniforms, but colorful camouflageclothes. So some tourists say that Dongguan seems to be under militarymanagement. Don't get me wrong. Dongguan is not a military

东莞英语导游词20xx 篇4

  Welcome to Dongguan. The first thing we need to pay attention to when wecome to Dongguan is the pronunciation of our city name. Many friends who camehere before read it as "Dongwan" just because there is an idiom called smile.You are very happy. We Dongguan people don't agree. How can we become a bowl?Dongguan is only rich in a kind of aquatic plants, called guancao. Itspronunciation is "Guan". It is also in the east of Guangzhou, so it graduallyhas the name of Dongguan.

  Some people may want to ask, what is the use of guancao? It used to be veryuseful in the past. It was hot in Guangdong. In the past, Cantonese used to havemats on their beds all year round. What kind of mats were they made of? This isguancao! At that time, it was also exported to Hong Kong and Southeast Asia inbulk, because the weather there was also very hot! In the past, when studentsfrom Guangdong went to Beijing to study, everyone took a mat instead of amattress. In winter, there was only one mat on the bed board. When the schoolleaders checked the students' dormitories, they almost burst into tears. Theyquickly asked the students' office to subsidize him with a mattress. As aresult, when they went to see it in a few days, the mattress was supplemented,but there was also a mat on it. There was really no way to take them. This isour guancao The huge attraction of Xi! But now the grass industry in Dongguan ismiserable. Because people's living standards have improved and every family hasbeen equipped with air conditioners, the industry has come to an end. Now if youwant to see the grass mat in Dongguan, you have to go to the museum!

  OK, now our car is in the center of Dongguan City. Do you see the ancientcity building in front of us, which is a bit like Tiananmen Square? That is thewest gate of Dongguan. It was built in the Ming Dynasty. Some tourists aresurprised that Dongguan has a long history. In fact, Dongguan has a much longerhistory than this. The first official office was set up here by the firstemperor of Qin Dynasty. Dongguan county was set up in the Three Kingdoms period,and Dongguan county was set up in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Unfortunately, it wasDongguan County until 1985. Look at us here. We have been a county for nearly20__ years!

  What is more, what is the reason why, in the past, there was no such thingas Dongguan in history. Destructed opium in the town, such as "Humen tobacco",everyone knows it, but Humen is just a town in Dongguan. Everyone who readshistory books knows Humen, but no one knows Dongguan. If we had named Dongguantobacco for that year, then Dongguan would have known destructed opium.

  This tower is called Yingen tower. It is said that during the Hongwu Periodof the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates often came here to plunder. At that time,there was no barrier around Dongguan. So a general named Chang ran led the armyand the people to build a city wall and four gates around Dongguan. The wholewall was 1299 feet long, which surrounded the whole Dongguan City. At that time,the gate was closed, xiaori Let's jump outside the city! No matter whether it'sa ninja or a tortoise, it can't get in.

  Moreover, the city wall has the function of flood control. When there is aflood in summer, the city gate is blocked with sandbags, so that the city willnot be flooded. It's really making the people rich. Therefore, the people ofDongguan have a lot of feelings for this building. Even though the urban area ischanging, they are reluctant to demolish the old building. Now they haveinvested a lot of money to rebuild the surrounding area into xichengmen CulturalSquare, which has become an important place for citizens to have leisure andentertainment and hold large-scale festivals. You can see that behind theancient city building is the newly built four-star hotel in Dongguan. Does itfeel like "five thousand years at a glance" standing here?

  Well, our car continues to show you around the city. Have you noticed thatthere are many majestic motorcycle mounted policemen on the streets of Dongguan?This is our 110 public security police in Dongguan. They are very quick. Theypromise to arrive at the scene within 5 minutes when they report the case. Butthere is one. They don't wear white police uniforms, but colorful camouflageclothes. So some tourists say that Dongguan seems to be under militarymanagement. Don't get me wrong. Our Dongguan is not under military management,but the police are armed police. So they wear this kind of green clothes, maybebecause everyone likes green. You don't see our Dongguan How good is thegreening of the block? The roads are like gardens. The copyright ofthis article is owned by the original author and source.

  However, Dongguan was not so beautiful in the past, but now it is mainlyforced by Shenzhen, because Dongguan and Shenzhen are both built on the same 107national highway. Once upon a time, people from Shenzhen moved Miaopu to thestreet, and then they went to Dongguan, where, wow, there are houses everywhere.The whole big construction site is full of mud trucks, The cement road haschanged into a yellow mud road. There are some small trees on the roadsideoccasionally, and the leaves are also covered with a layer of ash powder.Therefore, the environmental reputation of Dongguan was bad at that time. Nowyou can see that there are several green belts on the roadside, including darkgreen trees, light green grass, red flowers and golden petals. We are all proudto live here!

  OK, now look at the car window. Do you see the strange building withChinese style cornice and glazed tile roof in the front and Western stylefactory building in the back? That is the branch of the famous Swiss Nestlecoffee company in Dongguan. They may have designed the gate and wall of thefactory with glazed tile roof to express their respect for Chinese culture, butthe factory keeps its western architectural characteristics, which is a typicalreflection of the characteristics of Dongguan industry, that is, Sino foreignjoint venture.

  Dongguan is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangdong Province,mainly Hong Kong compatriots. There is a saying in Hong Kong that "one out ofevery 10 Hong Kong people is from Dongguan". There is also a saying in Dongguanthat "every Dongguan family has at least one relative in Hong Kong.". Somepeople may not understand the relationship between this and Dongguan industry.This is because at that time, Hong Kong received many foreign orders for toys,electronics and other processing. It was too expensive to produce labor in HongKong. Therefore, after favorable policies, they all moved their factories to themainland one after another. Where is the best place to move to the mainland? Ofcourse, it's moving to a place close to you and where you have acquaintances. SoDongguan became their first choice.

  Now, it's no longer just small-scale Hong Kong private enterprises settingup factories in Dongguan. Many well-known international companies have alsochosen Dongguan, such as the famous Nokia company, the Nestle coffee company wesaw just now, and the company that produces the golden overlord battery. Thereare also many large factories in Chinese Taiwan, all of which are listed companies inChinese Taiwan. Some of the factories set up here are as large as a few in one factoryTen thousand people! For example, the largest Yuyuan shoe factory producesfamous brand sports shoes such as Nike, Adidas and fina. There are nearly 100000people in one factory! According to media reports, one of the ten pairs ofsports shoes in the world is made in Dongguan, and 80% of the world's mice aremade in Dongguan. This achievement is also the result of the efforts of a largenumber of foreign workers and technicians. Therefore, the number of localresidents in Dongguan is 1.5 million, while that of foreign ones is 3million.
