重庆神农架导游词 篇1
重庆神农架导游词 篇2
重庆神农架导游词 篇3
Dear tourists
Well, let's go to Shennongjia, our tourist destination. Shennongjia islocated at the junction of Sichuan and Hubei between the Yangtze River and theHan River. It is the only well preserved oasis in the inland of China and theonly green treasure land in the middle latitudes of the world.
In addition, Shennongjia also has a very imposing title - roof of centralChina. This is because the highest peak in Shennongjia - shennongding has analtitude of 3105 meters. It is the highest peak in Central China, so it has thistitle.
Shennongjia has a long history. As early as the Paleolithic age, primitivehuman beings began to live here. It is said that the Yan Emperor Shennong familyled people to build a shelf here to collect herbs and teach people to cultivate.Therefore, it is called Shennongjia. Shennongjia is also one of the birthplacesof Bachu culture.
As we all know, Shennongjia is a primeval forest. There are many kinds ofplants, such as birds, animals, fish and insects. Many of them are on the vergeof extinction. Species that can't be seen in other places can be seen inShennongjia. Why?
It turns out that Shennongjia, with the advantages of its geographicallocation and natural environment, served as a refuge for the biological world inthe third and fourth glacial period, and still has a better preservation of theoriginal forest style. Among them are golden monkey, leopard, South China tigerand other rare animals. Therefore, Shennongjia was accepted as a member ofUNESCO human and biosphere program in 1990.
Well, dear tourists, now our tour bus has entered the shennongtan scenicspot. Please make a little preparation. We are going to get off the bus tovisit. Now our shennongtan scenic spot is located in the south of Shennongjiatourist area, which is the South Gate of Shennongjia. Although the area is verysmall, only 0 or 7 square kilometers, the whole scenic spot has clear layers andbeautiful natural scenery.
First of all, we came to the ancient botanical garden, where we gathered anumber of protected and relict ancient and precious plant species, includingDavidia involucrata, a national first-class protected plant, and 27 second-classprotected plants, such as Lianxiang, Xiangguo, gingko, etc. Here you can seethat a stone is erected under many trees, engraved with names and place names.It turns out that these trees were adopted, of course If you want, you can alsoadopt any tree you like that hasn't been adopted. In this way, you can receivethe photos of their growth sent to you by the staff here every year. The tree wesee now is Liriodendron. It is an ancient angiosperm that appeared on the earthabout 100 million years ago. It is a second-class protected plant in China. Itsleaves are like Liriodendron, also known as Liriodendron. Its flowers haveopened at the beginning of new leaves, and its shape is similar to that of theworld Tulip is a famous flower in the world, so its English name is "tulip ofChina"
Now the tree in front of us is Davidia involucrata, a first-class nationalprotected plant. It is an ancient relict
It's a relic plant. Speaking of Davidia involucrata, here is anotherstory!
It is said that there was an emperor who had a talented and beautiful onlydaughter. The emperor regarded her as the apple of his eye. No matter where hewent, he would take her with him. One day, the emperor traveled through avillage and saw a young man named Davidia involucrata in the farmer's family. Hehad a beautiful face and an extraordinary appearance. The girl fell in love atfirst sight. She took the chance that the emperor was unprepared and folded theJasper bun she was wearing into two and gave half to the young man as a lifelongpledge. Later, the emperor noticed that Davidia involucrata was caught andkilled in the mountains. The girl heard the bad news On the day the emperorrecruited his son-in-law for him, he fled the palace overnight and ran to theplace where Davidia involucrata was killed to cry bitterly. She felt the skybecause her tears were like rain. Later, the princess became a white flower andlived happily on the branch. Nowadays, the Davidia involucrata cultivated hereis like hundreds of millions of pigeons spreading their wings, so it is calledChina's pigeon tree.
Now we have come to the core part of shennongtan scenic spot, which is aplace for Chinese people to remember their ancestors and offer sacrifices togods. The statue of Shennong in the altar is 21 meters high, tall and majestic,solemn and solemn. Looking up, Emperor Yan's eyes are slightly closed, as if heis insight into everything in the world. The two ox horns on his head aredesigned according to the legendary "ox head and human body". The lawn in themiddle and the steps on both sides are also arranged according to the pattern ofthe Imperial Palace in the past. The emperor walks in the middle, and theminister's passage is on the left and right, because 9 was in ancient times Itis considered to be the largest number, so the steps on both sides are allmultiples of 9. Under the steps is the altar, where every Chinese can worshiptheir ancestors. Now let's sacrifice to this great ancestor.
Well, it's time for us to finish today's Shennong tour, but I just heardthat this evening
There is a Tujia girl who is going to marry. Who will she marry? Maybe itwill be one of us. If you want to know who became our Tujia son-in-law, pleasewatch the Shennong party here tonight. I hope today's Shennong tour will leave adeep impression on you. If there is anything wrong with Xiaowu in this tourismactivity, I hope you can enjoy it Finally, I wish you good health and all thebest! Thank you!